Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Julie Receives a Permanent Transfer

For those who may not have heard, it became official yesterday (although we knew of it a week or so ago) that Julie has been permanently assigned to the Social Security office in Fort Worth.  She had been given a temporary transfer but there was always the possibility that she might have to return to east Dallas.  But she is securely ensconced in the office closest to where we live. It's about a 35 minute drive, not much different than her commute from Cedar Hill to Pleasant Grove (her previous office). This is a wonderful answer to prayer.  We appreciate the prayers of those who interceded with us on Julie's behalf.



Anonymous said...


iamtheta5 said...

Given what a good worker (and just all-around awesome person!) Mom is (granted, since she's my mother, I'm biased!), Cheryl and I knew this would happen. We're just glad that it happened so fast so that you guys (and we, on your behalf!) don't have to worry about you resuming the nightmarish commuting. Now, if only I could have such a similar reassurance regarding my doctoral internship!

The Schutz Family said...

Yeah! What great news! I am sure it is a relief for Mom!
